Goodbye 2021! May we never have another year like you!

   photo by lilartsy on Pexels

 Hey! Sorry for the extremely long hiatus, 9th grade is so tough, I feel like my head is underwater most of the time.  Anyways, it’s Christmas!!! Even if I or anyone around me don’t celebrate Christmas, as cliché as it sounds, there seems to be some sort of magic in the air. This brings me to today’s post: Reflecting on 2021. 

2021 was a....... bumpy ride, to say the least. When things were finally looking up after 8+ months of COVID, the Delta variant outbreak forced us to camp in our houses, again. *insert eye-roll emoji*

So, like at the end of every year, in today’s post, I’d like to encourage everyone to reflect on the past year. The good, the not-so-good, and the freaking awesome moments. I’ll go first.


This year, I made 3 new friends, one of who is on my top-tier of friends. I discovered a new hobby, two actually. I started exercising and making lesser unhealthy food choices, and most importantly, I learned to be kind.

I know that during the end of December, “reflect on the past year” messages start circulating, which is good, but why it is especially important this year is that because of sitting at home for almost two years with limited contact with the outside world, we are all angry, frustrated, confused, lonely, overworked and whatnot. Many people’s mental health took a nosedive, I know mine did.

The point is, we are all overwhelmed by the pandemic and everyone kind of lost it because it caught us so off-guard. But with the threat of Omicron looming over our head, we can sort of expect what is to come in 2022. So, give a call to someone, check in on them, see how they’re doing. If someone is feeling down, try to help them. Most importantly, remember to take care of yourself too. We are all humans; we make mistakes and we deserve a little love and care from time to time 😊

Tell me what made you happy this year. Tell me, tell me everything!

Until then, sayonara! See you in the next post!!!

Oh, and, Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!!!

   Signing off,
